
Solidian では、エンジニアと研究室スタッフで構成されるチームが、腐食しない明日の補強材のための新しいソリューションに日々取り組んでいます。作業の主な焦点は、繊維、樹脂、コンクリート間のインターフェースを考慮した新しい材料コンセプトの開発です。Solidian では、全体的な特性プロファイルに特に重点が置かれており、とりわけコンクリート内の補強材の挙動が調査され、最適化されています。
迅速かつ外部の試験施設から大きく独立するために、非金属強化材に特化した独自の材料研究所が 2015 年に設立されました。さらに、親会社である Groz-Beckert の既存のリソースも活用し、技術開発センター (TEZ) のテクニカル テキスタイルの専門家とノウハウを交換し、テキスタイル固有のテストや構造機械テストを実施しています。

- 含浸ライン
- 硬化室
- プルトルージョンライン
- 成形機
- 自動切断機
- 巻き出し・巻き取りユニット

Equipement and testing capabilities
- Laboratory currently has the following equipment and testing options
- 600 kN universal tensile testing machine with newly developed clamping jaws for sensitive glass and carbon fiber strands, rebars as well as for reinforced concrete tensile specimens
- temperature test chamber for testing all properties in the operating temperature range up to 80°C
- high-temperature test chamber for temperatures up to 1000°C for the investigation of fire scenarios
- test setups for the determination of the bonding behavior of reinforcing bars and grids in concrete
- dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA) for the examination of material stiffness depending on temperature (-50°C to 400°C)
- test chambers with alkaline solutions for accelerated aging up to 60 °C to determine strength losses of glass fibers
- bending device for the examination of reinforced plates with regard to flexural strength, deflection and multiple cracking
- two concrete labs for the own production of all required concrete test specimens.
- mini pultrusion line for the production of test specimens from glass- and carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics on a laboratory scale
- test benches for reinforcement grids and bars with superimposed action of tensile force, alkaline solution and temperature
- dynamic scanning calorimetry (DSC) for an optimization of curing cycles, rotational rheometer to optimize pot life and processing viscosities of resins, (-170°C to 650°C)
Laboratory tested solutions for the highest quality
- Laboratory tested solutions for the highest quality
- Since 2015: solidian operates its own material lab for non-metallic reinforcements, continuously expanding.
- Around 70% of all test methods of the recently published German guidline on Non-metallic reinforcements can be carried out in-house
- Quick Product Evaluation: Enables fast evaluation of products, minimizing reliance on external test facilities.
- Customer Customization: Can implement specific customer requests and test reinforcements with customer-provided concrete.
- Holistic Material Testing: Focuses on the overall behavior of materials, including interactions within concrete elements.
- Concrete Interfaces: Investigates interfaces between fibers, resin, and concrete under various environmental conditions.
- In cooperation with our parent company Groz-Beckert we have direct access to several chemical and analytical methods: scanning electron microscopy with element mapping to evaluate the laminate quality of our products, reflected light and transmitted light microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic scanning calorimetry (DSC) for an optimization of curing cycles, rotational rheometer to optimize pot life and processing viscosities of resins.