

プロジェクトユーザー: Kelteks doo; OIB: 41431665528、博士。 Slavka Rozgaja 3, 47 000 カルロヴァツ

ロゴアイコン1 ロゴアイコン1 ロゴアイコン1 ロゴアイコン1 ロゴアイコン1
EEA金融メカニズム プログラムマネージャー プログラムパートナー プロジェクトユーザー ノルウェーのプロジェクトパートナー






プロジェクト総額: 876,318.70 ユーロ
助成金: 345,764.62 ユーロ

Solar power plant Kelteks

Project implementation period

  • The project will start from May 24, 2022 to April 30, 2024.

General goal of the project

  • Reduction of electricity costs by installing capacities for the production of electricity from renewable sources, which will contribute to security of supply and environmental protection by reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 300 tons per year.

Purpose of the project (specific objectives)

  • by investing in the construction of a solar power plant, we solve the problem of energy costs
  • we contribute to the increase of the total capacity for the production of electricity from renewable sources
  • we promote the use of technologies with lower carbon emissions
  • we increase the security of energy supply in the Republic of Croatia as the main goal of the "Energy and Climate Change" Program

Expected results of the project

  • The solar power plant construction project solves the problem of high energy costs and reduces the consumption of electricity from the distribution network by 28%.
  • Construction of the Kelteks Solar Power Plant with an output power of 499 kW with 2,032 photovoltaic panels and 12 inverters.
  • Production of 900,684 kWh of electricity per year.
  • Environmental protection by reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 300 tons per year.

More info

For more information about the project, contact Tomislav Preglej - このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。
For more information on Increasing Solar Energy Production Capacity, click HERE.

Project "Solar power plant Kelteks"
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe