Best bonding properties.
Smallest crack widths.
kratki opis proizvoda

duži opis proizvoda

Product Features

  • Sanded surface for superior bonding behavior
  • Higher tensile strength compared to structural steel
  • Much lighter and thinner than steel
  • Sustainable material as consumption of water, sand, and cement are significantly lower
  • Thinner and safer components and thus less raw material usage and economical transport
  • No corrosion
  • Less crack widths and therefore much lower repair costs

buduće generacije

Excellent Bonding
High Tensile Strength
Long Life Span
Corrosion Free
Lagan i jednostavan za postavljanje
Name Mesh size / opening (mm) Material Weight (g/m2) TDS
ANTICRACK Q43-CCE-21 21 Carbon 717
***Osnovni predložak proizvoda 38 Carbon 722
***Osnovni predložak proizvoda 21 Carbon 929
***Osnovni predložak proizvoda 38 Carbon 929

Reference project

Product Applications

Flat and light reinforcement like the solidian ANTICRACK can be used wherever there are requirements for a non-corrosive environment, especially with requirements to limitation of crack widths, optimal distribution of cracks, and short anchorage lengths e.g.

  • Restoration, parking decks, industrial floors
  • Hydraulic structures
  • Tiling and waterproofing: pools, basements
  • Protection layers, where concrete layers are applied on a steel-reinforced concrete underground to protect the underground
  • Strengthening measures for restoration (e.g. failure of the bottom plate due to excessive load)
  • Marine construction, earthquake, bridge constructions, structures that need small crack widths


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