CONNECTOR Staple Anchor

Crack repair of concrete elements
The solidian Staple Anchor offers the restoration of use and functionality of concrete elements by a simple crack repair.

In addition to purely aesthetic aspects, a permanent solution for the successful repair of cracks in almost any concrete element is of particular importance. As a result, the solidian Staple Anchor is the perfect solution for both, a force-fit and limited elastic crack repair resp. reinforcement. A convincing argument for the solidian Staple Anchor is the combination of an affordable but high-performance and easy-to-install product.

Product Features

  • Force-fit connection of element parts
  • Effective transfer of (high) tensile loads
  • Good bonding effect over sanded surface and (any) epoxy resin, increasing integrity
  • Tensile strength of glass fibre approx. 3-4 higher compared to steel
  • Cost-efficient but effective solution with less material and labor effort
  • Durable and maintenance-free crack bridging/stitching with high-performance glass fibre composite
  • Easy handling and installation, no special training necessary
  • Applicable for many different element types
  • Non-corrosive material

Reference project

Product Applications

  •  Crack stop and repair in walls, floors, slabs, pools, garages, terraces and similar
  • Crack strengthening resp. reinforcement to increase service life of an element
  • Structural retrofit for cracks of various sizes for a wide range of elements
  • It can also be used to increase seismic strength to repairs after an earthquake



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