CONNECTOR Endless Rope

Fiber rope for flexible repair of different structural elements
solidian CONNECTOR Endless Rope is a non-corrosive, high-strength, AR glass, basalt or carbon fiber rope used as a mechanical anchor with the possibility of cutting on the desired length on the site.

solidian CONNECTOR Endless Rope enables load transfer between different structural elements and increases strength and ductility.

Product Features

  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Non-corrosive
  • In-house developed technique & technology
  • In house conditioning and testing
  • Specially developed for fixing wall reinforcement
  • Evenly distributes load to the the entire system
  • Different lengths for each dimension of the wall

Reference project

Product Applications

solidian CONNECTOR Endless Rope is intended to be used as a mechanical anchor in composition with an inorganic matrix and chemical anchors as a reinforcement of existing and new masonry and concrete structures subject to static and dynamic loading.

Used in FRCM, FRP or CRM system with:

  • solidian ANTISEISMIC Grid which serves as the main reinforcement of flat surfaces
  • solidian ANTISEISMIC Corner that connects the systems of inner and outer parts of the wall
  • solidian WRAP-WUD which serves as the main reinforcement of columns and beams


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