
Excellent combination of mechanical performance
Topcoat is the essential final layer applied to finished laminates.

Sharing similarities with gelcoat, topcoat is relatively highly viscous and fluid. Its primary function is not to serve as traditional paint, but as a protective layer that enhances the durability and longevity of the laminate, ensuring it withstands various environmental factors and wear over time.

Product Features

  • Serves as a protective and top layer for the inner gelcoat of the laminate
  • Is available on epoxy resin and polyester resin basis
  • The material is quite viscous (high viscosity)
  • The curing process results in a tack-free finish
  • Applied as the last layer to the sanded and therefore rough side of the laminate
  • For topcoat repairs on boat and body parts, this layer provides a scratch-resistant and smooth surface


Reference project

Product Applications

  • Nautical sector
  • Hand layup
  • Resin infusion
  • Pattern-making
  • Tooling
  • Coating
  • Casting
  • Used as a varnish, but must be sanded and polished several times to achieve a mirror-smooth surface
  • Used for sealing wood as well as a canvas in resin art



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