
Resin Excellent combination of mechanical performance
Formulations developed for use in several GRP production sectors, mainly based on orthopthalic, isophtalic, iso-NPG, DCPD, and Vinylester resins, allow to build a wide product range and high standard quality.

Resins are designed for all GRP production sectors, such as the production of spoilers, silos, or boats. They can be applied either by manual stratification or spraying. The resins give good compatibility and wettability with fiberglass and good workability. They can be available with catalyst indicator and/or in low emission version.



Product Features

  • Excellent combination of mechanical performance
  • Good weathering properties
  • Reduce the cost of the moulding
  • Facilitate the moulding process
  • Impart specific properties to the moulding
  • Good bonding to fibres
  • Corrosion protection

Reference project

Product Applications

  • Construction
  • Laminate
  • Auto-repair of fillers
  • Skis
  • Fishing rods
  • Plane and ship components
  • Coatings
  • Decorative accessories


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