Chopped Strand Mat Emulsion

CSM Emulsion most established reinforcement in composites
CSM Emulsion is made of randomly oriented chopped glass strands bonded together in mat form using an emulsion binder.

The emulsion binder uniquely bonds the mat so that it conforms rapidly to highly contoured molds.

It is a porous, well bonded mat which maintains its integrity during the impregnation process and provides a uniform wet-through rate.

Product Features

  • Excellent impregnation properties
  • Quick wetting with rapid air release maximizes holding productivity and reduces resin demand, thereby reducing costs
  • Excellent conformability
  • The ease of handling and ability to conform rapidly to complex molds helps in making high quality parts with ease
  • Good mechanical properties
  • Good bonding with low resin


Reference project

Product Applications

 CSM is a reinforcement for use with unsaturated polyester resins in the hand lay-up process.

  • Auto parts
  • Boats
  • Chemical tanks
  • Swimming pools



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