
After several years of intensive collaboration in the non-metallic reinforcements subcommittee of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb), the first version of the DAfStb guideline "Concrete components with non-metallic reinforcement" has now been published.
Our Head of Product Development Dr. Marcus Hinzen was part of this committee and actively contributed to this milestone. This means that there is now a recognized technical rule for the new construction method which, in combination with corresponding technical product approvals for glass and carbon fibre reinforcement grids and bars in a wide range of applications, makes the project-related and general construction technique permits still required today no longer necessary. This is a great relief for users.

We at solidian are the first supplier of non-metallic reinforcements to obtain the necessary German technical approval (#abZ) for a reinforcing grid made of carbon fibers - our solidian GRID. Reinforcing bars made of glass fibers are also currently in an ongoing technical product #approval. The approval is expected to be granted for the solidian GRID in the first half of 2024, and for the solidian REBAR around a year later.
The guideline is available here  https://www.beuth.de/.../dafstb-betonbauteile.../377433845

build solid.