NATURAL Woven Roving flax

Reinforcement fabric for many applications
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Product Features

  • Exceptional Strength and Stiffness: Provides robust reinforcement with a lightweight profile.
  • Biodegradability: Naturally decomposes, supporting environmental sustainability.
  • Low Environmental Impact: Produced from renewable resources with minimal energy consumption.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.
  • Acoustic Insulation: Offers sound absorption properties for quieter environments.
  • Effective Resin Impregnation: Ensures optimal performance in composite applications

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Name Material Fabric density (Warp/Weft) Weight (g/m2) TDS
***Osnovni predložak proizvoda Flax 50/50 300
***Osnovni predložak proizvoda Flax 50/49 500
***Osnovni predložak proizvoda Flax 50/40 170

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Product Applications

  • Automotive Industry: Enhances structural integrity in vehicle components.
  • Motorsports: Provides lightweight reinforcement for high-performance racing vehicles.
  • Marine: Ideal for corrosion-resistant marine vessel construction.
  • Lifestyle & Society: Used in eco-friendly consumer goods and sustainable designs.
  • Sports: Supports lightweight and high-performance sports equipment.


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