
High-performance continuous filament mat without chemical binders, ensuring superior composite strength, efficient resin flow, and a more sustainable production process.
Continuous Filament Mat izrađena je od visokokvalitetnih kontinuiranih E-staklenih vlakana koja su nasumično orijentirana i povezana termosetnim vezivom.

Ova struktura osigurava jednoliku čvrstoću i izvrsne karakteristike rukovanja, što ju čini idealnom za različite kompozitne primjene. Prostirka pokazuje dosljedne performanse i kompatibilnost s različitim sustavima smola, uključujući poliester, vinil ester i epoksidne smole.

Značajke proizvoda

  • Binder-free technology (eco-friendly advantage) – Advanced binder-free production eliminates chemical adhesives, making kelteks FreeMat a more sustainable reinforcement with no harmful emissions during processing. The pure glass composition enhances adhesion and compatibility with all major resin systems (UP, VE, EP, PU).
  • Optimized resin impregnation, reduced consumption – The open, porous structure of continuous fibers improves resin permeability for faster and more uniform wet-out. This reduces resin usage, lowers laminate weight, cuts material costs, and speeds up infusion and injection processes.
    High mechanical strength and durability – kelteks FreeMat is made from 100% glass fibers (no organic components), resulting in greater tensile and flexural strength. Continuous glass strands enhance stiffness, load-bearing capacity, and impact resistance, prolonging the service life of composite structures.
  • Superior conformability and drapability – The soft and flexible mat easily adapts to complex mold shapes without wrinkling, allowing for seamless lamination of intricate geometries. Additionally, the fiber structure remains stable during resin infusion, ensuring uniform laminates without defects.
  • Corrosion and chemical resistance – The use of Advantex® E-CR glass provides exceptional durability in aggressive environments. Composites reinforced with kelteks FreeMat exhibit an extended lifespan and reliability against moisture, chemicals, and corrosion, outperforming standard fiberglass reinforcements.

ojačanja za buduće generacije

Izvrsno vezivanje
Testirano interno
Visoka vlačna čvrstoća
Moguće reciklirati
Dugi životni vijek
Bez korozije

Primjene proizvoda

  • Automotive and transportation – Production of lightweight yet strong composite body panels, structural reinforcements, and chassis components to improve vehicle performance and reduce weight. FreeMat enables high glass content in laminates, enhancing strength-to-weight ratio in truck, bus, and automotive applications.
  • Marine industry – Manufacturing boat hulls, decks, and corrosion-resistant structures requiring exceptional resistance to moisture and saltwater. The binder-free characteristic of FreeMat ensures better resin impregnation, creating uniform laminate thickness over large areas, which is crucial for yachts and marine vessels.
  • Wind energy sector – Reinforcing wind turbine blades and nacelle covers, where maximum glass content is needed for strength without excessive weight. FreeMat allows laminates to reach up to ~55% glass fraction thanks to its high permeability, ensuring optimized weight and structural integrity.
  • Chemical processing industry – Manufacturing FRP pipes, tanks, and chemical plant components that require high resistance to aggressive chemicals and corrosion. FreeMat’s E-CR glass fibers provide superior durability compared to traditional materials, extending the lifespan of pipelines and storage tanks.
  • Construction and infrastructure – Pultruded profiles (beams, gratings, ladders) and electrical insulation components reinforced with FreeMat are widely used in the construction and energy industries. The continuous fiberglass structure improves mechanical properties and dielectric strength, offering long-term resistance to environmental conditions.


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