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Product Features


solidian eGRID nudi izravnu električnu vezu s niskim kontaktnim otporom i ravnomjerno raspoređuje električnu struju u strukturi mreže. Dok konvencionalna polimerna impregnacija rešetki djeluje poput izolacijskog sloja, nova vodljiva površinska obrada solidian eGRID-a omogućuje protok struje u poprečnom smjeru, kao što je potrebno u sustavima katodne zaštite ili u svrhu praćenja. Unatoč ovim novim svojstvima, dobra mehanička svojstva i fleksibilnost su zadržani kao i obično!
Slika skice pokazuje električnu struju koja teče u ravnini I u poprečnom smjeru.
solidian egrid sketch







solidian eGRID can be rolled up and be easily transported to the construction site on our new solidian CARGO System.

Up to 300m length at a width of 2,50 m can be stored on winding reels and easily be unwinded. In addition there is also a cutting knife and a meter counter installed in the solidian CARGO System allowing for precise and fast cutting. By using solidian eGRID on roll overlapping of the reinforcement in length direction can be minimized or completely avoided!

buduće generacije

Alkaline Resistance
Lako rezanje
Dugi životni vijek
Korozija bez korozije
Lagan i jednostavan za postavljanje

Reference project

Product Applications

Katodna zaštita od korozije (CCP)

U konvencionalnim katodnim sustavima zaštite od korozije u betonskim konstrukcijama inducira se zaštitna struja. To rezultira migriranjem kloridnih iona koji izazivaju koroziju od armature do anode. To osigurava odvajanje između kloridnih iona i površine čelika, što značajno smanjuje rizik od daljnje korozije. U standardnim primjenama koriste se inertne titanijske anode, koje su vrlo skupe.
solidian eGRID može u potpunosti zamijeniti ove titanske anode!
Fleksibilne i električki vodljive rešetke od ugljičnih vlakana tvore gustu mrežu i mogu ravnomjerno rasporediti struju u betonu zbog svoje visoke specifične površine.
Za razliku od rješenja na bazi titana, solidian eGRID također može djelovati kao sekundarna armatura i pomoći u kontroli razvoja pukotina u betonu. Opisana aplikacija uspješno je isprobana i testirana dugi niz godina!
Praćenje vlage

Električno vodljiva armatura od ugljičnih vlakana također se može koristiti za ugradnju sustava za praćenje vlage u stvarnom vremenu, na primjer za otkrivanje oštećenih područja u sustavima površinske zaštite cestovnih mostova u ranoj fazi.
Kalibracijske krivulje koriste se za određivanje sadržaja vlage u mortu mjerenjem električnog otpora između dva sloja ugljika. Pad otpora ukazuje na curenje hidroizolacije, jer je nizak otpor povezan s visokim stupnjem zasićenosti vodom u mortu.
Ideja je prvi put uspješno testirana u sklopu istraživačkog projekta "SMART-DECK", gdje je kombinirana sa sustavom preventivne katodne zaštite od korozije. Ovo se aktiviralo samo na mjestima koja cure. Više informacija o "SMART-DECK" možete pronaći ovdje.
Zagrijavanje betonskih površina

Električno vodljiva sekundarna armatura može biti od interesa za različite primjene. Na primjer, vodljiva karbonska armatura može se koristiti za zagrijavanje betonskih površina, što može biti zanimljivo za odleđivanje pista, utovarnih rampi ili pristupnih područja s nagibima.
Isto vrijedi i za žbuku armiranu karbonom sa slojem solidian eGRID koji omogućuje grijanje zidova. Ova vrsta površinskog grijanja osigurava posebno ugodnu unutarnju klimu i smanjene gubitke topline.
Tražimo partnere na području grijanih betonskih površina, posebno za rad elektroinstalacija. Ukoliko ste zainteresirani, slobodno nas kontaktirajte!


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    frequently asked questions

    • Performance Enhancement
    • Handling and Logistics
    • Compliance and Compatibility
    • Application and Installation
    • Durability and Resistance
    • Sustainability and Environmental Impact
    • Is solidian GRID suitable for replacing corroded steel reinforcement?
    • How does solidian GRID contribute to system durability when used with mortars?
    • Can solidian GRID conform to curved surfaces during installation?
    • How does the weight of solidian GRID affect transportation and installation?
    • Is there an Environmental Product Declaration available for solidian GRID and solidian REBAR?
    • Has solidian GRID received official building approvals?
    • With which types of binders is solidian GRID compatible?
    • Is solidian GRID approved for use in standard concrete applications?
    • What is the minimum thickness required for concrete layers using solidian GRID?
    • Can solidian GRID be used to reinforce existing concrete structures?
    • What is the expected lifespan of solidian GRID in wastewater applications?
    • How does solidian GRID perform in acidic environments?
    • How does solidian GRID contribute to sustainable construction?

    Yes, in cases where steel reinforcement has corroded, solidian GRID can serve as a substitute for structural reinforcement. The existing corroded steel can remain in place and be covered with a new layer of carbon-reinforced mortar, restoring structural integrity.

    When combined with high-quality mortars, solidian GRID significantly enhances the overall durability of the system, providing a robust solution for demanding environments.

    Yes, solidian GRID strikes a balance between stiffness and flexibility, allowing it to be applied to curved surfaces with diameters greater than 800mm.

    The lightweight nature of solidian GRID facilitates easy transportation, even through sewage tunnels, and simplifies the installation process, reducing labor and equipment requirements.

    Yes, a certified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is available for both solidian GRID and solidian REBAR. The EPD provides transparent and verified information about the environmental impact of these products throughout their life cycle, supporting sustainability assessments in construction projects.


    Yes, solidian GRID has obtained the General Building Approval (abZ) from the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt). This approval authorizes its use as carbon reinforcement grids in construction, ensuring compliance with national building standards.

    solidian GRID is versatile and works with a range of binders, including Portland Cement, Calcium Aluminate Cements, and Geopolymer Cements.

    solidian GRID holds German Approval as reinforcement for EN 206 concretes, supporting its compatibility with various mortar systems, including those adhering to DIN 19573.

    Concrete layers reinforced with solidian GRID can be as thin as 20mm, as no additional concrete cover is needed to protect the reinforcement from corrosion.

    Yes, solidian GRID can be applied as an additional layer over existing steel-reinforced concrete. When combined with solidian ANTICRACK, it offers enhanced crack-limiting properties, providing extra protection to the underlying steel reinforcement.

    Classified under XWW4, solidian GRID ensures long-term performance for over 50 years, making it a durable choice for long-term infrastructure projects.

    solidian GRID is fully resistant to severe acidic conditions, including environments with pH levels as low as 0. It has successfully passed tests in accordance with DIN 19573 standards for pH 0 and pH 1.

    solidian GRID enables the design of thinner concrete layers (greater than 20mm) without requiring additional concrete cover for reinforcement protection. This reduction in material usage leads to lower resource consumption and a diminished environmental footprint, supporting more sustainable construction practices.

    Additional information:

    • Resource efficiency: By minimizing the need for extra concrete cover, solidian GRID conserves materials such as cement and aggregates, contributing to resource efficiency.
    • Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs): solidian provides transparent data on the environmental impact of their products through EPDs, facilitating informed decision-making for sustainable building projects.
      Solidian Kelteks
    • Reduced CO₂ emissions: The use of solidian GRID in construction can lead to significant reductions in CO₂ emissions due to decreased material usage and enhanced durability, which extends the lifespan of structures and reduces the need for repairs.