We supported Strohm und Söhne e.V. with the supply of sandwich materials and glass fibers. This enabled the team to make progress towards lightweight engineering for their high-performance vehicle parts. Both materials have been used in the development and testing of the current race car’s monocoque, delivered promising results, and made official testing as well as process experimentation possible for the students. Being applied in CFK test panels, car-mounted CFK structures, or molds for different monocoque sections, the supplied core material as well as glass fibers have been essential for the team.

Kelteks and Strohm und Söhne e.V. are very pleased with the cooperation and look forward to the upcoming racing season when NoRa7 will bring the shared materials and technologies to Europe’s racetracks.

Read more at https://strohmundsoehne.de/

Formula Student Electric Team

Strohm und Söhne e.V. is the Formula Student Electric team of the Nuremberg Institute of Technology Georg Simon Ohm. Formula Student is the world‘s largest design competition for students. The challenge for the participating teams is to develop an innovative formula racing car according to predefined regulations given by the organization. Every year, a new and rules-compliant racing car has to be designed, constructed, and manufactured independently. During the season’s highlight in summer, the teams can compete with other colleges and universities on racetracks around the world, performing in static as well as dynamic disciplines. Static disciplines are eg. the presentation of the vehicle’s cost documentation or an engineering design report, whereas dynamic disciplines include eg. autocross, acceleration or endurance racing.

Fully Electrically Driven Vehicle

Never has anything different come into question: since the release of their first car NoRa1 (NoRa = Noris Racing) in 2013, Strohm und Söhne e.V. is committed to sustainable motorsport and develops a fully electrically driven vehicle for each of their racing seasons. Thus, the team always keeps pace with the development of mobility and automotive engineering and advances their technologies year by year. However, the latter wouldn’t be possible without the involvement of manufacturing partners that are open for the support of academic research and student training.