ASFINAG has successfully completed the complex renovation of the Bruck/Mur junction, which connects the S 6 Semmering expressway with the S 35 Brucker expressway. The project involved renewing the ramps, three water protection systems, four bridges (originally constructed in 1982/1983), and three supporting structures across two construction phases. In collaboration with the planners, STRABAG reinforced the retaining structures using shotcrete. For this purpose, solidian glass textile reinforcement was selected. The solidian GRID glass was used as level reinforcement, and the solidian CORNER as form reinforcement. These materials form a supplementary layer that ensures the long-term durability of all concrete surfaces exposed to the elements.

Key facts

Application Restoration & Repair
Products used

solidian GRID Q49/49 AAE-38, solidian CORNER Q49/49-AAE-38

Year 2022
Location Austria
 Project Renewal of ramps, water protection systems and three supporting structures