Ultimate reinforcement fabric for structural elements
solidian WRAP is a non-corrosive, high-strength, lightweight, unidirectional carbon fiber fabric developed for the reinforcement of masonry and concrete structures exposed to static and dynamic loading.

The product enables flexibility without compromising the strength and increases the stiffness and ductility of structural elements.

Product Features

  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Non-corrosive
  • Flexible reinforcement
  • In-house developed technique & technology
  • In house conditioning and testing
  • Does not add significant weight or mass to the structure
  • Easy installation procedure
  • Repairing or preventing seismic damage
  • Extremely resistant to a wide range of environmental conditions

Reference project

Product Applications

solidian WRAP is intended to be used in composition with an organic matrix as reinforcement in retrofitting of deteriorated structures especially beans and slabs where is necessary to increase tensile strength, and in the seismic strengthening of the vaultes without increasing the mass.

Used in FRP system with:
solidian ANTISEISMIC Connector that connects UD reinforcemen to the wall.
Depending on the shape of the structural elements FRP system can be arranged in different morphologies which enables flexibility in the strengthening of masonry and concrete structures.


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