
Our Dalibor, from the Packaging Department, is all set to dispatch our high-tech fiberglass reinforcement mesh to its next destination – beautiful Italy!

There, it will breathe new life into an old building, providing a strong foundation that guarantees a sense of unshakable safety to its owners.

Advantages of our solidian fiberglass reinforcement mesh:

  • Lower concrete protective cover than conventional
  • Thinner components enable slim construction with an aesthetic design
  • Smaller component dimensions and thus lower transport and storage costs
  • Space-saving transport of the reinforcement mats as well as the concrete components
  • Less consumption of concrete and therefore less use of water, sand, and cement
  • Less emission of CO2 due to the reduction of cement use and thus climate and environment-friendly behavior
  • Safer and healthier handling during processing due to lower weight
  • No electromagnetic induction (glass fiber mats are neither electrically conductive nor magnetizable)
  • We weave new stories on the foundations of the old ones!

Fiberglass reinforcement mesh | solidian Grid glass


build solid.