
A total of 602 photovoltaic panels have been installed.

We would like to remind you that within the framework of the project "Solar Power Plant Kelteks," co-financing with non-refundable funds has been approved in accordance with the terms of the call "Increasing the Capacity for Solar Energy Production" from the FINANCIAL MECHANISM OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA 2014 - 2021 and the "Energy and Climate Change" program funded by donor countries Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, and the Kingdom of Norway.

Energy Consumption and Savings at Kelteks

Kelteks consumes 3,176,994 kWh of electricity annually, and the planned solar power plant project will address the problem of high energy costs, reducing electricity consumption from the distribution network by 28%. This reduction of 28% is equivalent to the consumption of approximately 108 households per year. The Kelteks Solar Power Plant, with an output of 499 kW, will produce 900,684 kWh of electricity annually. The power of the solar power plant is approximately equal to 113 residential solar power plants. The plant configuration consists of 2,032 photovoltaic panels and 12 inverters.


Reduction of Electricity Costs and CO2 Emissions

The GOAL OF THE PROJECT is to reduce electricity costs by installing capacity for electricity production from renewable sources, which will contribute to supply security and environmental protection by reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 300 tons per year, equivalent to reducing CO2 emissions of about 214 cars annually. The construction of the KELTEKS SOLAR POWER PLANT contributes to the goal of the "Energy and Climate Change" Program by increasing the use of low-carbon technologies and enhancing energy supply security in the Republic of Croatia.

We Take Social Responsibility Seriously in Our Local Community

As a company not solely focused on profit, we feel a responsibility towards our local community. We are aware that every decision we make as a trading company impacts the environment and society. Kelteks thinks green, Kelteks acts green.

We also plan to install e-chargers that will be directly connected to the solar panels and will be available for charging the electric vehicles of our colleagues. We believe that there will be more and more such vehicles in our company.

build solid.