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KELTEKS d.o.o. and its Norwegian partner, HANS CLAUSSEN AS, held the final press conference for the KELTEKS SOLAR POWER PLANT project on April 26 in Karlovac. The project, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the “Energy and Climate Change” program funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, aims to increase solar energy production capacity.

Project Details:

Partner: HANS CLAUSSEN AS, Norway
Total Value: 876,318.70 EUR
Grant Amount: 345,764.62 EUR
Duration: 24.05.2022 – 30.04.2024

Milana Spudić emphasized kelteks' commitment to sustainability, noting the importance of "green" values for both the market and the local community. Kelteks lives these values through its technologies, products, and solutions, such as the Solar Power Plant project.

It's Not Too Late

We believe it's still possible for a greener planet. Progressive climate changes due to CO₂ emissions and overexploitation of natural resources force us to continuously think towards greater resource savings and sustainable business practices.

Our major enemy is corrosion. Corrosion causes massive material damage and often leads to catastrophic accidents. Rebar corrosion is particularly harmful to reinforced concrete structures and is the most common form of deterioration in such structures.

We Have a Solution

As a leading European manufacturer of non-metallic and non-corrosive reinforcements used in construction and the composite industry, we directly influence the entire industry in terms of positively impacting climate change. When we say that Kelteks has a solution, we primarily mean significantly reducing CO₂ emissions by using our non-metallic reinforcements in construction.

50% Less Water, Sand, and Cement Consumption

By using our reinforcements, the amount of embedded concrete is reduced, which automatically means 50% less water, sand, and cement consumption, ultimately resulting in a CO₂ emission reduction of up to 30% from the first day of the building's lifecycle.

Besides resistance to corrosion and reducing the amount of required concrete, a major benefit of our solutions is extending the lifespan of everything they are embedded in, whether it's ceramic tiles, ships, bridges, or grand buildings. Also, in times of labor shortages, the ease of handling and application of our reinforcements, which are significantly lighter compared to metal reinforcements, becomes more prominent.

Kelteks Solar Power Plant

Valentina Vrbanek, Head of Finance and Accounting at Kelteks, spoke about the Kelteks Solar Power Plant project and its benefits for Kelteks.

Our ecological approach does not stop at producing environmentally sustainable products. As a company that thinks and acts green, we feel a responsibility towards the environment and our local community. Therefore, we decided to use renewable energy because it solves:

The problem of energy costs

Contributes to increasing the total capacity for electricity production from sustainable sources
Actively promotes the use of technology with lower CO₂ emissions
To continue our strategy, we decided to apply for the “Energy and Climate Change” Program, which is part of the EEA Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021. This is a Program Agreement signed between the Republic of Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, in line with the guidelines of the Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030.

By applying for the program, Kelteks increased energy security in Croatia through the construction of a solar power plant, which is also the main goal of the “Energy and Climate Change” Program.


28% Reduction in Electricity Consumption from the Distribution Network

Kelteks' annual electricity consumption is 3.2 kWh. The configuration of the built solar power plant consists of 12 inverters and 2,032 photovoltaic panels installed on the roofs of our existing production facilities. The solar power plant project reduces electricity consumption from the distribution network by 28%, allowing the public network to power 138 households annually.

The output power of the plant is 499 kW, with an installed capacity of 0.9 MW. This power will produce 900,684 kWh of electricity annually and reduce CO₂ emissions by 300 tons per year, equivalent to the CO₂ emissions produced by 214 cars annually.

In addition to the mentioned savings, the implementation of the project, i.e., the Kelteks solar power plant, already achieves savings in electricity costs and increases the energy efficiency of the company itself.

At the end of the conference, Ines Plašć from the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds spoke about the results of the "Energy and Climate Change" Program. The focus areas of the program in Croatia include: renewable energy sources (solar, geothermal, and marine energy), energy efficiency, energy security, mitigating the effects of climate change, and adapting to climate change. It was emphasized that all projects were completed on time or are expected to be completed by the end of the project implementation on April 30, 2024.

build solid.