Perfect reinforcement positioning
The advantages of textile reinforcement in combination with appropriate accessories achieve a fast and safe production of slab-like components.

This includes the simple reinforcement fixation, which on the one hand guarantees a stable positioning and on the other hand makes spacers obsolete. This results in technically and optically excellent concrete elements, which always provide a consistently high quality and at the same time are extremely economical to produce.

Product Features

  • Simple reinforcement fixation
  • Prevents floating-up and sinking of light, textile reinforcement
  • Precise concrete cover adjustment
  • Extreme flexibility for individual settings
  • No sagging of the reinforcement due to initial tension
  • Quick filling of concrete, thus saving time and money
  • No further spacers (at the bottom of the formwork) necessary
  • No marking of patterns due to spacers, thus consistently high exposed concrete quality

Reference project

Product Applications

  • Production of slab-like concrete elements with single or multi-layer textile reinforcement
  • Precise production of required concrete covers without use of spacers
  • Achieving a high quality exposed concrete surface


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