Unifilo Continuous Filament Mat

Large choice of tailored reinforcement solutions
Unifilo-continuous filament mat represents a large choice of tailored reinforcement solutions for the efficient manufacture of high-performance profiles by pultrusion process.

Also used for the hot compression molding of di-electrical laminates.

Product Features


Unifilo is compatible with unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester, acrylic, and epoxy resins. Specially designed for the reinforcement of pultruded shapes including gratings, ladder rails, frames, insulators. Unifilo is well suited for compression molding of di-electrical laminates.

Customized for multiple needs

Available with varying levels of binder to match up with specific customer applications.

Corrosion resistance

Excellent corrosion resistance providing longer service life in applications facing corrosion.

Productivity and high performance

Easy to splice and enables excellent processability. It provides very good mechanical and di-electrical properties to molded parts.
Higher tensile strength fits the requirement for the most challenging profiles and fast pultrusion process speed.

Reference project

Product Applications

  • Shipbuilding
  • Truck caps
  • Vehicle body parts
  • Bathtubs
  • Showers
  • Spas
  • Tanks
  • Applications with large parts
  • Complex molds or sharp curvatures



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